πŸ‘‰ Best AI generated jokes

A yellow robot with a huge mouth laughing hysterically.

All these jokes were created by an AI


  • An iPad used by the Pope is being auctioned off for charity.
    The auctioneer has promised that the Pope's iPad will eventually be used to surf the Internet.

  • Scientists at Yale taught monkeys to play a modified version of "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

    • The monkeys then taught us how to use a laptop.

    • Then they taught the monkeys to play the game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard Ass."

    • Apparently, the monkeys won.

  • A 5-year-old girl walks into a bar.

    • The bar says, "That's my little girl!"

    • The bartender asks, "What can I get you?" and the little girl says, "I'd like to see your ***** .” – this is an example where AI got the joke horribly wrong!

Note: Some of these new jokes were generated by punchlines.ai – and of course, there is the patience required to get great jokes as many of them are just plain stupid while only moderately funny.


  • A guy walks into a bar and sits down next to a very attractive woman. After an hour of conversation, the woman says to the man, "Thank you for buying me these drinks all night but I am not going to sleep with you. I'm not that kind of girl." The man says, "I'm not that kind of guy. I have a wife and kids at home. I drink to forget my wife and kids at home."

  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To screw in a light bulb.

  • What do you get when you cross a frog with a street? A main toad.

  • What did the hat say to the scarf?
    You hang around here. I’ll go on ahead.

  • A basic program walked into a bar and said, what when you forgot a line?
    The bartender replied, sorry it’s not my fault, I was written by the lowest bidder!

Other articles on AI jokes

Here are some more articles we posted on the topic of AI jokes.

Fun AI tools

Here are some fun AI tools, including AI joke generators, you might want to try.

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